Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Can i choose different alerts for different people on yahoo messenger?

Q. I saw this feature for a linux instant messenger software: you can select different alerts for different users. For example, if John goes online sound1 is played, but if Jane goes online, then sound2 is played. Is it possible to achieve the same results by using yahoo messenger (for windows)? Do you know any software (even if it runs as a separate process, it doesn't have to be integrated with yahoo messenger), or a plugin that does this?

A. if you're running v8, something you might want to check out is a new plugin (from the yahoo gallery) WackyB Spoken Status/Status Alert http://gallery.yahoo.com/apps/513/locale/en
" Status Alert gives you total control over the status alerts of your friends list.
⢠Configure individual sounds not only for each friend but also for each action (Online/Offline/Status Change/New message).
⢠Choose from a library of supplied sounds or select your own (Any sound type WAV/MP3/AVI/MPG/etc).
⢠Have the status changes of your friends read aloud to you by Peedy (MS Agent Character), Peedy will let you know when your friends come online and leave as well as message status changes.
⢠Last friends status change is shown in the main window along with their chosen image/avatar.
⢠A log is also kept so you can see if a friend has been online that you missed.
⢠Instantly mute all sounds from the main plugin window, Setup sound mute when you are busy/Idle etc.. "

How do I play a song through the entire presentation in open office impress?
Q. I'm trying to create a presentation involving a song playing through the entire impress presentation, but can not find where to set the number of slides that a song should play through... any help out there?

A. No, you can not do music across multiple slides in Impress. Supposedly version 2.3 was to have this fixed, but reading the programmers logs/comments about this issue leaves me in doubt, since other issues related will not be fixed until 2.4 - if ever. I have not been able to get 2.3 to do this - so...

There is a hack that works but is ugly. It goes something like this (except two of these lines get cut off by yahoo answers so you might have to do a google search on this.)

OpenOffice.org 2 - How to put background music in presentation

Open your Impress Presentation
Tools > Macros > Organize Macros > OpenOffice.org Basic...
Under Macro from, click the name of your document to open the tree
Click Standard
Click New
Rename the new module or accept the default and click OK
In the Basic window that appears, substitute the text with your own Basic script. You can use the sample below, but substitute the actual paths on your computer.

REM ***** BASIC *****

'Impress - Play background music using an external player
'When activated from a mouse event during a slideshow,
'The external player does not show on the screen, however
'if activated from the design view, the external player pops up

Sub playBackgroundMusic

' For Linux
Shell ("/usr/bin/xmms",1,"/disks/zip.1/zip.1/m...

' For Windows
' Shell ("C:\Program Files\QuickTime\QuickTimePlayer.exe",1,"...

End Sub

Close the basic window.
In Impress design view, select the title of the first slide.
Slide show > Interaction...
Beside Action at mouse click, choose Run Macro
Click Browse...
Select the Library and the Macro name.
Click OK
Click OK
Start the slide show with Slideshow > Slideshow
Click the title you modified
Once the background music starts, you can advance the slides normally (hit the page down key or click the mouse outside of the title)


How do you Erase Ubuntu Lenix And install Windows Xp?
Q. I Have Ubuntu Linux on my computer i used to have Windows Xp, How do i remove Linux and put windows Xp Back on agian, I have the installation disc.
I cannot boot from Cd it will not let me

A. First off, let me tell you that you are going to regret installing Windows XP back on your computer unless you really need it. Ubuntu is a far superior operating system and the possibilities are almost endless.

Here is a guide my friend and I wrote for this:
I don't know your level of experience with computers, I will try to be as accurate as possible in the steps to take.

First you must take the obvious action of backing up your data and documents before you begin because everything will be erased afterwards. You can do this by either burning them onto discs or USB storage devices etc.

These are just general instructions that might seem a little inexplicit. I wont go in-depth because there's simply too many things to state.
All you have to do to begin is to pop the Windows XP Disc into your CD-ROM drive, and restart the computer with the disc still inside. Now here's where I might have a problem in helping you, normally it will say "Press any key to continue", if it says that, great then do it.
This is the part that will probably allow you to boot from the CD. ***If not, your BIOS might not have the proper boot order, which means that the computer might boot from your hard drive instead of the CD. In this case there has to be a key to press that gives you boot options, such as the F12 key in Dell BIOS's (Its usually one of the F-keys). It will come up when starting of the computer.

After choosing boot from CD-ROM in boot options, you will have to wait as the Windows disc loads and caches drivers and modules essential for the installation process, just looks like a big blue screen with words flashing at the bottom.
You will have to follow a set of questions by pressing the keys stated at the bottom of the blue screen to continue, such in the beginning when it tells you to press F8 if you agree with the license terms. Do this up until you come to a screen displaying your current hard drive configuration, stating all the partitions and what file systems each are formatted in
They will be in a rectangular box. If you computer is from a major computer manufacturer, you will have your current Windows XP partition and also a recovery partition. If you see a recovery partition, you can try to use that partition, by press another one of the F-key when your PC starts up. Otherwise, delete your current Windows XP partition by pressing the 'D' key on it. Then press 'C' on the "Unpartitioned Space". Then, type in the size of the partition and press Enter. If you don't know what size you need, just press Enter with the number that it is in there already. Then, you should return to the screen displaying all of your partitions. When you do, press Enter on the partition that you just created. Then, you will be shown a screen where you will be prompted to choose a filesystem. The main decision that you have to make here is which filesystem to use. NTFS is a newer filesystem and FAT32 is an older filesystem. The main difference between the two is that NTFS can store files that are bigger than 4GB. But, FAT32 also has an advantage: Most Linux operating systems cannot give you write access to NTFS partitions and therefore, you need to use NTFS.
So, you should select NTFS unless you use Linux, or there is another reason for selecting it. Also, be sure to choose the option that has (Quick) beside it. This will make a quicker format. If you have very important files on your hard disk, and you don't want anybody to be able to recover them, you should choose the option without (Quick) beside it. This will perform a full format.
The rest should be easy, setup will format the hard drive, then copy the contents of the CD on the hard drive. It will then restart the PC. DO NOT boot back into the CD. In other words, do not "Press any key" when the message pops up. The installation will continue with about five steps. It will ask you general questions during the installation such as time zone and country. Also, it will ask you for a serial number for Windows XP. You can find this on a sticker, which should be somewhere on the case of your PC. Look at the back or side of your tower for a colourful sticker that says Microsoft Windows XP. The serial number should be located on it. It is a series of alphanumeric characters. Or, if you purchased Windows XP separately, it should be on the box.
The rest of the setup should be very easy compared to what you have gotten through. Just follow the wizard and it will restart the computer into Windows XP. Then it will ask you a few more questions, before logging into the account that you created.

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How do I save Java on my remastered puppy linux live cd?

Q. I know how to down load Java and install on puppy linux 5.2 but how to you save it on the live cd so I don't have to download every time I restart.

A. Download the java.pet to the applications folder from the quickpet or where ever you download yours from. But don't install. After the download is complete remaster the live-cd.

Java will be waiting for you when ever you boot your live-cd. All you'll have to do is open the folder, click the pet and install. This is the only way to avoid re-downloading each time.

How does one run puppy linux in such a manner?
Q. I would like to keep a distro of puppy linux on a flash drive and I would like to keep all the downloads, applications, system files, boot sectors, etc. on the same flash drive so that it serves as a hard drive in a way.
Is there any way for me to do that?

A. Yes, it is a while since I ran puppy but when you first shut it down it should ask you where you want to create a file and if you select your flash drive thats where they will be

I think what i did is install all the software I wanted and the did a 'full install' to a USB stick. This option is available in puppy somewhere

Puppy is very quick and great for recovering PCs and for browsing
I eventually moved to slitaz because puppy used to hang my router on shutdown and I get fed-up power-cycling the router

Hopefully some-one has done this more recently than me and has better recall - but I know it can be done pretty easily


i need help for installing puppy Linux in my computer?
Q. I have downloaded puppy Linux iso file and then I have made my USB bootable with it. I stuck it in usb port I booted it and It says searching for puppy files in computer drive and then error comes.

A. Something must have happened when you created your USB bootable. Create it again following instructions from these links


Make sure you do a frugal install and not a full install. The frugal install is a better option.

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Whats the difference between Linux and windows hosting? Do i need Linux on my system to linux host?

Q. Whats are the advantages and the disadvantages of Linux hosting? why is it cheaper ? If I make a website in Dreamweaver and Flash CS5, can I Linux host?
Do I need to be wary about something?

A. All websites today currently run on either a Windows web server or a Linux-based server. The vast majority of websites run on a Linux-based platform as Linux has a strong reputation for security and web server performance. With standard (static) HTML-based websites, the web hosting platform doesn't make much difference. When it does make a difference, however, is when the website uses a dynamic scripting technology such as ASP (A Microsoft based technology), or PHP / PERL (Linux based technologies). A Windows-based hosting solution will run a Microsoft Windows server with IIS (Internet Information Server), and is necessary to run an ASP / ASP.NET scripted website. A Linux-based platform is typically used for PHP, Perl, and most other types of websites. Basically, unless your website uses ASP (pages ending in the .asp extention), Windows hosting is not necessary.

As an experienced webmaster I recommend BH web hosting which Iâm sure it would work for you and fulfill all your requirements. They have a really great offer for hosting & I have used them for over 3 yrs now, and have never had a single problem with them.

You can reach reviews about this web hosting provider and its latest DISCOUNT COUPONS at:
Only $3.95 /month (with discount coupon)

BH is compatible with Dreamweaver, just refer to:

* This service was awarded the âBest Web Hosting OF The Yearâ.

Hope thi helps.

What is the real differences with a Linux hosting package versus a MS hosting package?
Q. What is the real differences with a Linux hosting package versus a MS hosting package????

A. Linux hosting is the standard. Majority of website are hosted on linux servers. It's a lot better than Windows hosting.

The only reason to use Windows hosting would be if you wrote your site in asp.

Linux hosting is the default. If it doesn't say which operating system is used, it's linux.

For hosting I recommend one of these:

Powweb currently has the best offer.
Their standard price is $7.77/month ($93.24/year)
but they have the 50% sale right now.

Disk space: Unlimited
Bandwidth: Unlimited
A Free domain name
Unlimited domains and subdomains

Price: $3.88/month ($46.56/year)

Their hosting plan includes web builder, so you can create your site just by drag and drop (without any programming), or you could install Wordpress (easy, one click install from their control panel), choose a theme that you like, and start adding content.

How does Linux hosting without CPanel look like?
Q. Im new to VPS hosting. I need a linux hosting with php and mysql.

I will not be including CPanel in my hosting. Can I manage or do I have to struggle ?
Can anyone give me a link on how VPS hosting will look like for Linux /

A. Technically speaking, it won't "look" like anything. If the host doesn't provide an alternative web interface to configure it, you will probably have to connect to it using an SSH client. If you do this, you will have a screen similar to the following (depending on the SSH client):


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How to have linux VPS keep running java server?

Q. I have the server an all working.
Minecraft server actually.
But I noticed the server will stop when I close my putty the server will server aswell.
How do I get it to constantly run? Even if my computer is off or not

A. one way would be to use nohup. just start your program with something like:
nohup ./yourprogram
that will keep the program alive, even when you log out. but this will not work with programs that take input from the console.
another way is to use a screen session (if screen is installed). with the command "screen" you start a shell session in which you can then start programs. if you press ctrl+a, ctrl+d (in that order), the session gets detached and will continue after you log out. after logging in, you can resume the session with "screen -r sessionname".
for more informations, try "man screen" or "man nohup".

How to become a system administrator?
Q. I had trouble with my computer so i called up my mothers friend- a system administrator. After 30 min. on the phone he fixed the problem with a bunch of commands and stuff. Im pretty good with computers myself( im running linux ) but his knowledge was just much much much much much more superior then mine. Does anyone know any books,or programs of stuff that will help me become like syst admin?

A. build up a list of contacts who can help you. i'm currently working on a linux VPS and like you i havent got many contacts. If you want we can add each other?
also use google - using that i managed to get my VPS from nothing to a web server (just need to finish on DNS but every time i get an error) and i'm certain google will answer my questions

good luck!

How do you purchase Windows Server Licenses?
Q. I wish to purchase a VPS server and I wish to use Windows Server on it. I will probably buy 3-4 VPS for different projects. The servers will be with no OS. How do I obtain a license for the windows server and how much is it?

Thank you!

A. on a vps why would you want to buy windows ?

windows server is only valid for that one virtual machine and as you can see by the price here


is it really worth it ?

i suggest you use an enterprise linux or server linux,
centos and fedora are both free

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Can you open a linux file using windows?

Q. I need to open a linux file using windows.
I don't have linux installed anywhere on this system.
Is it possible to open a linux file using windows? If so, how and what?

A. Yes, you can open Linux files on Windows. Whether or not you have the necessary program/emulator installed which can read/interpret/run that file is another matter, and depends on what specific type of file you're talking about.

How can I get Simply Accounting to work on a Samba enabled Linux file server?
Q. Simply Accounting states that for multi-user mode, all machines that use the Simply (client and server) must be using the same operating system. How can I use Windows workstations that run the Simply client with a Samba enabled Linux file server that houses the Simply database?

A. You can't. You need the same platform accross the network

What is the difference between "./" and "../" regarding LINUX file structure?
Q. Can you suggest a good material(s) (an e-book for an example) to learn and understand about the Linux file and directory structure??

A. ./ is your current directory. So if your running a program from the current directory you type ./<program>
../ is the previous directory. This is to back out of the current directory.

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At school, how can you send a message to another linux computer using the linux version of command prompt?

Q. I have been trying to figure out how to send a message to another linux computer at school for a while now by using the linux version of command prompt. I have tried using the write command but it says I have write abilities disabled. I have also tried using smbclient -M accountnamehere and it always says failiure to connect to whatever account I tried to connect to. Any help would be awesome.

A. Maybe you as a normal user just don't have the rights to do so. It's probably so for security reasons.

What version do I have to start learning linux?
Q. Which version do I have to start learning linux? What version is commonly used in the enterprise? Do all Linux versions have the same command? What is the difference between the versions of linux?

A. Any. All.

Redhat, Debian, and Ubuntu are common in enterprises. CentoOS is a free version of Redhat.



What is the command to know the linux version i am using?
Q. I am using a Linux server in command mode, i dont know which linux i am using ie whether it is Fedora Core 1,2,3 or Redh Hat linux Enterpirse or Linux 9.0 Version??

A. username@machine> uname -a
Linux test_machine1 2.4.21-4.ELsmp #1 SMP Fri Oct 3 17:52:56 EDT 2003 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux

In this example, the Linux kernel version is 2.4.21-4.

To obtain the Linux glibc version, type the following at the shell command prompt:

username@machine> rpm -q glibc

Two alternative methods to obtain glibc version information:
username@machine> /lib/libc.so.6 | head -1
GNU C Library stable release version 2.3.2, by Roland McGrath et al.

username@machine> getconf GNU_LIBC_VERSION
glibc 2.3.2

If you are using a RedHat Linux distribution, you can find the RedHat release by typing:
usename@machine> cat /etc/redhat-release
Red Hat Linux release 9 (Shrike)

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How do I install Gentoo Linux?

Q. I want to compile and install Gentoo Linux, anyone done this before?

A. You read the handbook.

If you still can't figure it out, you're not ready for Gentoo. Sorry to sound harsh, that's just the way it is.

How do I run multiple commands on a Unix/Linux system without a GUI?
Q. I have a gentoo linux system with no GUI. I want to compile stuff, and while it's running, execute more stuff at the command line. How can I give it one command, then give it more commands without installing a GUI (running multiple terminals) or using SSH?

A. Try to use screen (if it is installed on your system -- read man 1 screen).

You can
- create a new "window" with Ctrl-A c
- kill a "windows" with Ctrl-A k
- switch between "windows" with Ctrl-A <space> and Ctrl-A <backspace>
- you can detach the screen (run in background -- you can even logout -- your jobs will still run): Ctrl-A d
- reattaching:
$ screen -r

That's only for starters. Read the built-in help: Ctrl-A ? and the manual for more information.

Of course you can work with background jobs too, but it will be a quite demanding task when you are juggling between 4 or 5 jobs.
It gets even more complicated when you're using && and || operators or redirections.

You can send your job to the background with either "&" at the end of the line or just by pressing Ctrl-Z (stop) and the executing "bg" command (check your shells manual)
You can "retrieve" a background job by issuing the fg <jobnr> command.

- start 2 long running jobs:

$ ./compile &
$ ./update_doc &

The & operator marks the end of line, so you could actually use single line instead:

$ ./compile & ./update_doc &

- check the job list:

$ jobs

[1]- Running ./compile &
[2]+ Running ./update_doc &

$ "foreground" the first job and send it back to background

$ fg %1
$ bg

kill the second job:

$ kill %2
[2]+ Terminated ./update_doc

Believe me -- you'll prefer screen ;-)

yet another solution -- if you're an Emacs user -- just start your editor, M-X shell, voila! I know some hard-core Emacs users who actually _never_ leave their editor.

How do i convert files to .psx?
Q. I downloaded some roms for a psx emulator, but it needs files in the .psx extension i guess :/ the game came with a .bin file and a .cue file. How do i make this work?

Oh, I am running Gentoo Linux btw, and using pcsx as the emulator, neither of which should matter too much i dont think.

A. Open up either the .cue or .bin file using your emulator


Use the PSX Emulator called "ePSXe"

Configure it and open up either the .cue or .bin file

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How can I install and replace the new Ubuntu Linux?

Q. Hello everyone !
I have Ubuntu Linux version 9.04 installed in one partition of my laptop. There's a newer better version that has just been released (10.04) And I want to install it, but at the same time replace the old one completely with the new installation.
What is the best way to do this ? The way that it's less error-prone, or the easiest way.

Note. I have Windows installed as well and I use GRUB for dual booting.

A. Ubuntu 10.04 at present is unstable

For the time being I would suggest staying with Ubuntu 9.04 or perhaps an upgrade to Ubuntu 9.10 both of which are fine releases

How To Upgrade Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) To 9.10 (Karmic Koala) (Desktop & Server)

Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) User Guide


What Ubuntu linux friendly scanner do I need?
Q. I am pondering and searching for a scanner which will be beneficial for hand drawn animation.

I need it to... :

be compatible with linux

be quick

great for scanning a lot of drawings

NOT distort or alter the quality of my drawings as I want to put the drawings into finished animation.

I am basically looking for a scanner which will work for my operating system; Ubuntu Linux, and give me the professional quality which you see with television aired 2d animation shows.

A. Well, I'm not exactly the expert on scanners, but what I've been using is an all-in-one HP Photosmart. I know the scanner is probably pretty junky, although good for my purposes, but the way it works for me is an SD card thing. Ubuntu (linux) can't directly scan like Windows does (or I haven't tried), but it recognizes the SD card by USB. So I suggest getting a scanner that has a usb card.

Anyway, the printer/copier/scanner I use is a HP Photosmart C4680, in case you are interested in it. I use HPLIP to print with Linux.

How do I install Ubuntu Linux to my PC when I have two Hard Drives and don't need to partition?
Q. I've been looking at the Ubuntu Linux site for a while, they tell you how to partition a drive, but not how to set it up for two HD's with a choice of which to boot on startup.

I know I could have the BIOS always pop up on powerup, but is there an easier way?

A. It still need to partition the drive used for Ubuntu.
Actually if you have something on the other drive like Windows, the Ubuntu will put it in the Grub boot Menu. I have XP on one drive and Ubuntu on the other on one of my computers. One word of advise, Windows doesn't play well with others, it will overwrite Grub on other drive without a second thought. So if you reinstall/install Windows unplug the Ubuntu drive during install. If your starting out from scratch install Windows first then Ubuntu, it will save the step of editing /etc/grub/menu.lst to add Windows boot item.

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How to remove Linux Mint from my flash drive to install a different distro of Linux?

Q. I installed Linux Mint 10 to my flash drive using the UNetBootin program. I only wanted to give it a test run. Now that I know Linux, I want a different distro. I was just wondering if there was a way to take off the Linux OS from my 4 gig flash drive. Thanks!

A. Which ever Linux you decide on should automatically reformat the flash drive and install itself in place of what was already on the flash drive. If not, you would reformat it with the required Linux partitions and install the new one.

How do I establish a linux operatings system that would be similar to windows?
Q. Linux is free right. So if I have to buy a new hardrive, I won't need windows which is expensive. But how do I know which I should use. There seems to be many different linux operating system.

A. There are many flavours so you need to decide what you want to do with it (use it as a server, as a desktop etc). There are distributions who offer Live CD's. You boot up from a Live CD and are able to test that particular distribution without actually having to install it until you decide it's good for you.

Search on the net for tips about choosing a linux distribution.

Ubuntu should be good for a beginner.

How can I start Linux and what distribution do you think I should use?
Q. I want to use Linux because I have heard that it is significantly better than IE. My entire family is technologically inept and we only have one computer. How do you think I should start and what distribution do you recommend for a beginner who plans on programming and the like?Any helpful suggestions will be appreciated.

A. I thoroughly recommend two Linux distros.

Linux Mint 9 Main Edition which is based upon Ubuntu 10.04

Linux Mint Debian Edition (LMDE) which is based upon Debian Lenny/Squeeze

Both are easy to install and use plus they come with much of the software you are likely to need preinstalled

Linux Mint 9 Download

The Perfect Desktop - Linux Mint 9 (Isadora)

Linux Mint Debian Download

Linux Mint 9/Debian User Guide pdf.

HowTo install Nvidia Graphics Drivers on Debian

Alternatively install Linux Mint as a dual-boot with Windows using mint4win without partitioning mint4win works the same as Wubi as described below (not available on Linux Mint Debian)

You keep Windows as it is, mint4win only adds an extra option to boot into Linux Mint. mint4win does not require you to modify the partitions of your PC, or to use a different bootloader, and does not install special drivers. It works just like any other application.

mint4win keeps most of the files in one folder, and if you do not like it, you can simply uninstall it as any other application.

Boot in to windows insert the Linux Mint LiveCD and you will offered the option of installing inside windows which is where the mint4win installer comes in, you will be asked how many gigabytes you wish to allocate to Linux Mint (I recommend 8gb) then you set a password for your installation then click install and thats it.

Once Linux Mint is fully installed upon starting your PC you will be given a choice of which operating system you want to use Windows or Linux Mint

You download the ISO. image of Linux Mint 9 or Linux Mint Debian then you need to create a Bootable LiveCD/DVD for installation

Linux Mint 9 and Linux Mint Debian can also be run direct from the LiveCD/DVD from Booting up without touching your Hard Drive


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Where can I download red hat linux 9 free?

Q. I am a student of CSE 5th Semester. Please help me !!! How and from can I download red hat linux 9 free.

A. First you have to track it down, that might be a bit tricky since it is several years out of date.

You can get the latest version of RHEL from http://redhat.com/ and Fedora from http://fedoraproject.org/ - they are the two successors to the old Red Hat. (RHEL is commercial, Fedora is free).

If you really want to get your hands on the obsolete, unmaintained version then try ftp://archive.download.redhat.com/pub/redhat/linux/ - but they haven't fixed security holes in it for years, so I strongly advise you not to.

Is there any other OS set of Linux software for download?
Q. Ubuntu is a set of Linux operating system software with the Linux OS that is distributed over the web. Is there any other set of Linux operating system software that is distributed over the web? Red Hat does provide Linux for download but it provides only the OS, I think.

A. Ubuntu, Red Hat and most other distros are complete, and often quite large downloads. There are some specialty distros that are smaller.

www.distrowatch.org lists 360+ distros. Check them out. Basically any of the main stream distros will be just as complete and can load pretty much the same software sets - with some (usually only) minor differences, if any.

If you get a distro DVD, you will get much more software than you would get with a Windoze installation. CDs because of size limitations don't have that quantity, but they should have links in the software to download as much as you would like once the program is set up and running.

where to download red hat Linux Enterprise?
Q. is red hat enterprice is free? where to download it? for learning purpose?

A. You should go to :
and use the search engine to filter which distro would be best for you. You can select a version for beginners, or multimedia, or a special purpose. They are all free to download. You can read reviews and articles about each distro. You can select a distro for ease of use, needs little ram or hard drive space, popularity, most software packages available, amount of customization,etc.

I would also suggest that you go to that distros website to read their documentation, especially if you are new to linux. They have tutorials on how to install, how to setup various hardware, and tips and tricks. I would also recommend using their forum to search/ask for info/help.

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What is the best video editing program for Linux?

Q. I've tried a few, but they're either really complex, or don't work. My computer is Linux, and I was wondering what (free) video editing software works, and is not too complex. I can figure it out normally if its somewhat complex but something that's simple would be great!

A. Hello;

My very favourite video editing program is the Linux program OpenShot. It is quite intuitive, and very powerful. I am using it on Ubuntu. This website will explain the technical issues:


I like it much better than Nero, and of course it is an open source progrm. It has cromakey capabilities so I use greenscreen to make my subtitles.

For music editing (I sometime use sound) I use Audacity.

Best of luck,

(Nulfinator on YouTube)

Is there a pan and zoom effect available on kdenlive for opensuse?
Q. Im using the linux based video editing program kdenlive which i currently have running on opensuse 13. I was trying to compile a video slideshow of images and wanted to use a pan and zoom effect but dont understand how. The option is there but I cant figure out how to apply it. It seems like its not working but Im sure its a user error. Anyone familiar with this program that can tell me what im doing wrong?

A. Sorry i never use that program

What is a good, free video editing program for Linux?
Q. I want a FREE video editing program for Linux, that is a lot like Windows Movie Maker.
I need to be able to put subtitles.

A. Try these

1 Avidemux

2 Avidemux

3 Kdenlive

4 Kino


Feature Avidemux Cinelerra Kdenlive Kino LiVES

License GPL GPL GPLv2 GPL GPLv3+

Cost Free Free Free Free Free

Paid Support N Y N N

RAM (min) ? 256M 256M ? 128M

Hard Disk ? ? 1G ? 10G

CPU ? 500Mhz 600Mhz ? 800Mhz

HD VEditing ? Y Y ? Y

Storyboard Mode ? N Y Y N

Video Tracks Y Y Y ? Y

Audio Tracks Y Y Y ? Y

Linear Display ? Y Y ? Y

DVD Output ? Y Y N Y

HD Output ? Y Y N Y

good luck

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How is a linux distro actually made?

Q. I'm trying to make a custom distro with LFS (linux from scratch) and I was just wonder, if I was completely serious about developing my own distro to distribute, how would I do it?
I realize that they use C/C++ but I was wondering do they compile it like LFS or do they (IE Ubuntu) make it completely from scratch somehow?

A. c program language as the main

then python for the rest

How can I build a Linux Distro?
Q. I have downloaded the latest stable kernel. How can I make a linux distro from scratch? What do I need?

A. Linux From Scratch (LFS) is a project that provides you with step-by-step instructions for building your own custom Linux system, entirely from source code.

Alternatively, you can easily customize your own Slax linux live right from your browser. If you are new to Linux you probably want to start with something like that.

Other Linux Distros

What are the requirements to use Linux From Scratch?
Q. Do I need a linux os to run it?
Is there any third party software I need?
Is LFS a programming language?

What can I do to get the code if I were to base it off of Ubuntu?

A. To get started, all you need is a lot of free time. Go to linuxfromscratch.org and start reading the book and follow the instructions. The prerequisites are listed in there. It will also point to the downloads you need. LFS is not a programming language, it is just the book which lists how to install Linux entirely from sources.

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Im scared to by a laptop because of windows. How do i return windows and us linux instead?

Q. Ive been told it's a difficult thing to do - return windows. Does anyone have experience with this issue?

A. These people are wrong. It is illegal to use Windows if you can't read, understand, and agree to the EULA. If you don't agree to the EULA (you have to agree to the licence, to have your operating system on loan and not own it, grant Microsoft the right to have backdoors into your private system etc) - then you are not legally allowed to use it. People are ignorant, they ignore this and just think it's okay to use it anyway. Stupid people! So if you refuse the EULA, you're entitled to a refund BUT the vendor will charge you more to remove it than you'll save.... (source - German friend who bought from Dell, he paid $75 extra)

You can try to order your laptop - depending on where you live. Some friends of mine (one in Germany, the other in UK) bought Dell xps1330 computers with linux installed.

It wasn't cheaper, but they were happy that Microsoft didn't manage to force them to pay a tax!!! That's right, even if you delete Windows after buying it, you still paid Microsoft!!!

You cn try to buy a laptop with NO operating system (freedos or whatever) but in the end, you're better off playing around.

If you get some experience, then you can install something like 'crunchbang' linux, which is so light on resources - it would make your computer work ten times better than with XP. So fast it makes your nose bleed!

If you want features, then I'd recommend Ubuntu. There's a 'eeepc remix' which can install from USB with some skill...

but basically, install Ubuntu yourself isn't too hard - just check forums for problems with certain laptops - or just call up Dell and tell them you want Ubuntu preinstalled, and ask what models they're offering (easy in USA I think - strange how USA doesn't force Microsoft on their customers - but I know that DELL UK are very arsey about it, and can be rather abrupt on the phone!)

Go for it - my ubuntu desktop has been getting faster all year long - ready to upgrade to Jaunty very soon, exciting ;) but I do keep XP installed, as I have a good graphics card and run windows games. (I disabled internet for XP and it has a 40GB space on the drive - the rest of the 320GB drive is for linux - the filesystem never let me down).

Good luck, enjoy ;) any problems, buzz me or just get down to ubuntuforums

click the link and make an account ;) keep in touch

How to create a use on Linux, allow them to login with a certain password and make them a memeber of a group?
Q. I need to create multiple users, allow them to login with a certain passwork say "fire" and then make them members of a group? How would I do that.

A. need more info. what is the distro your using? it matters. if your using a modern full featured distro like ubuntu then you can do it through System -> Admin -> Users and Groups. If you are using a non full featured linux distro like crunchbang then you need to do it through the terminal. terminal would be "sudo adduser" without the "". you will have to add arguments to that command. for full help with that type "adduser --help" it will tell you everything you need to know. the terminal option will be available on all linux distros.

How do i get linux the newest one on my windows xp without a cd?
Q. can u give me steps plzzz!??!!??
i wanna get linux mint but it has a dvd and a cd download which one do i use?
actually which one do ppl prefer linux mint or ubuntu?

A. If you decide on Linux Mint, you can download the CD version and then select "Upgrade to the DVD edition" after installation. A script will run that will automatically bring in all the extra packages that come with the DVD version.

I use both Ubuntu and Mint (along with 4-5 other distros like Crunchbang and openSUSE); for the Linux beginner I would suggest Mint. It includes many of the audio/video codecs that Windows users expect to have pre-installed, they have a site that features good documentation and a friendly forum, and their is generally less to "set up" than what you get with a fresh install of Ubuntu.

Without a CD? You can always use a USB flashdrive. Or install it using either WUBI or Mint4Win inside your existing Windows system. Or if you have a virtual machine on XP, you can install and play around with it there.

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What are some fun and educational software programs for an 11 year old girl?

Q. I'm looking for some good games or programs that I could purchase on a disk and download on my desktop so that my 11 year old girl can play and learn at the same time. I'm especially looking for games that will enhance her math skills, but would also like to find something for spelling and grammar, and history as well. Do you know of any such games? I want it to be a lot of fun so that she just thinks she's playing and having fun, but really she's learning in the process. Thanks!

A. Yahoo won't allow more than ten links to be sent so you will have to repair those that I destroyed with a space between the 'http' and the colon

Edubuntu is the only real environment for young learners and I don't say that lightly. Lots of stuff can now be used in windows so I hope you find this helpful.


gcompris includes algebra and other things that are supposed to be for ages 2 to 10: http ://gcompris.net/-About-GCompris-

Ktuberling is a potato head that you can make faces on etc. Here are some screenshots: http ://opensource.bureau-cornavin.com/ktuberling/

Tuxpaint is a paint program but lots more fun than most - check the lovely roses lol: http://www.tuxpaint.org/

Tuxtype is obvious but is for children. It looks fun. (ktouch is the real deal) there are 5 pages of screenshots: http ://tuxtype.sourceforge.net/screens/?PAGE=1

Tuxmath (this is just for the screenshots): http ://www.newbreedsoftware.com/tuxmath/screenshots/

Kplot Kig Kmplot kpercentage and kbruch are math and geometry tools (if it is not on the list you can soon get it by typing: (as an example) 'sudo apt-get install kig' into a text window like DOS http://edu.kde.org/kig/screenshots.php
http ://edu.kde.org/kmplot/screenshots.php http ://edu.kde.org/kbruch/screenshots.php http ://edu.kde.org/kalgebra/

Katomic is just a chemistry game where you become familiar with the elements and compounds (i believe!)

Kalzium is a fun but good periodic table: http://edu.kde.org/kalzium/screenshots.php Kstars is the stars (all of them!): http://edu.kde.org/kstars/screenshots.php 'step' and 'marble' are secrets I would like you to look at: http://edu.kde.org/marble/ (click on the name and then read the details)

Language tools include kverbos, kvoctrain ( vocabulary) Klatin and others (some are included - others you can get as instructed earlier. Look at these apps: http://edu.kde.org/kverbos/

Kturtle has math, geom and simple programming! http://edu.kde.org/kturtle/

there are all sorts of apps available which is what makes linux so great - it is free, too, and can be easy to use or you can learn a little about typing in commands which controls the system quickly, more accurately and with lots more power than with any other OS.


After all that- read this: If you are running Microsoft Windows or MacOSX you consider:

1. installing a Linux distribution or running a so called liveCD, or [wubi]
2. waiting for a while, since the next version of KDE (KDE 4) will most likely run on Microsoft Windows and MacOSX as well.

If you don't get some ideas from all that I will have to scream so lie if you have to. Email with any questions and excuse this huge answer but it is hard to investigate if you aren't familiar with where to look and I need all this info anyway. (I have saved me a copy of the links)

I want to make absolutely sure that I said why I got to doing the KDE searches etc. When I went to the first and then the second sites, I realised that it says a lot of the packages are available to use in windows (some with reduced functionality) so look out for that if you want one or two apps more than the others. And; investigate Linux a little. You may find you like it best. Ask friends, maybe.

Well, good luck educating your daughter lol and
Good night

How do i make videos on youtube?
Q. I know how to make videos on youtube wit just words and still pictures but how do you make videos on there with parts from a tv show or clips from a cartoon or anime with custom music or not with custom music? i see other people doing it all the time but i cant figure it out. can someone please tell me specificly how to do it? thank you


(capturing Tv clips is in the end)

Equipment REQUIRED (for computer uploading):
1. Camera (important, and must be able to connect to computer)
2. Cable to connect camera to computer
3. Video Editing software (to put clips together in)
4. Internet (obviously)
5. A/V to camera cable

Useful FREE Programs:
1. Jahshaka (free special effects program For Windows, Mac, Linux)
2. Windows Movie maker (video editor, free in Windows)
3. IMovie (video editor, free in Macs)
4. Cinelerra (Advance video editor for Linux and Macs)
5. LiVES (Advance video editor for Linux and Macs)
6. Virtual Dub (video editor for Windows)

ALL great programs!!! tutorials on how to use each are all over the web.
A LOT of youtube videos out there too.

Importing and Editing Video:
After you've recorded your video connect your camera to your computer.

CAMCORDERS usually use firewire cables

DIGITAL CAMERAS come with their own cable to connect along with their own instructions on how to import files.

Import the files into your computer. for Camcorders (using tape) you will most likely need to use a video editing program to record the files from the Tape to your computer using a firewire cable. Then press record from camera on your video editing program.

Then Edit the files together using One or Several of the programs I listed above. OR with a program you have purchased.

Export the file. (WMV, and Mpeg files are recommended)



for this you will need a special cable for your camera that can allow you to capture videos from A/V input jacks (RED, YELLOW, and WHITE JACKS... ie. Tv inputs, VCR inputs, etc.)
>check your local Circuit City or Radioshack they should have it...

Once connected you should be able to see and hear whats going on on your TV from your camera screen. CLICK record to start recording the parts you want.


You can download files off limewire (or FROSTWIRE *much faster) and cut out the parts you want for your video. Or you can do the same using youtube, be aware that the quailty won't be great, by using Zamzar (.com), File2HD (.com, or any online video converter.


-Alzy101 please Email if u have more questions...

How can I keep from getting a virus using frost wire?
Q. My dad will kill me if i get a virus, so i need to know how not to. Maybe some way to scan the songs i want to download before i download them? Any helpful suggestions are welcome.

A. this happened to my friends computer, whn you x out of limewire or frostwire it is still running it just isnt the primary action on the computer. if you have windows XP or under (anything except vista,linux,or mac.) look in the bottom right hand corner of you screen. you will see the time and 1 or two icons. click the little arrow to the left and it will show all of you running programs on your computer. frostwire should be there. right click on it and click shut down frostwire or exit. do that every time you stop using it. that should do it.
hop that helps!


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How is Linux different from Windows?

Q. I saw a picture of the Linux desktop and the interface seemed almost identical to windows.

A. In Linux, the core operating system and the window system are separate.

Linux will run happily without the window system, and servers typically do.

The lower layer of the window system is X. This allows the interface and/or windows to be displayed across a network. The higher level part of the the window system is the window manager, and there are many choices for window managers. Different ones look, work and feel different.

In windows, you get what you get. No options, no default over-the-network functionality.

The OS kernel in Linux implements a clear separation of power between users, services and kernel. This clean(er) design leads to Linux tending to be more secure.

There is a high level of isolation between programs. One program crashing will not bring the rest of the system down. Windows doesn't bear up nearly so well.

Unlike windows, Linux tends not to slow down for no apparent reason after a year of use.

Linux is open and free, you can copy, modify and share it. Windows isn't.

Linux comes with bucket loads of application software of all types. Windows doesn't.

Linux usually comes with the development libraries, tools and compilers out of the box, so you can start developing. Windows doesn't and the tools costs a lot.

Linux comes with a number of powerful command line tools. If you want to bypass the window system, you can. You can administer, configure and use the system from the command line if you with. In windows, you can't.

Linux is not one product. There are many distributions packing together the kernel, applications and an installer. They differ in focus and approach. Some aimed at small size and efficiency, some aimed at desktop use, some aimed at servers etc.

Is there a remote support client that supports linux?
Q. My primary computer is my Macbook pro (OSX), and I need to access my Linux Desktop. I used Teamviewer before, when my Desktop ran Xp, but i changed to Ubuntu. Is there any other reliable (preferably free) program that can fill in for this?

A. You want to take a look at VNC {Virtual Network Computing}, which is a protocol that allows a desktop to be viewed & remotely controlled over the internet. It is available in free Open Source versions as well as some that are not free.

From your question it sounds like you want to set up the VNC server on the system running Ubuntu and use a VCN client on your Macbook to interact with it.

How to get wireless Internet on Linux ?
Q. So I just installed Linux and erased windows vista and all my files with it. Now I'm at my linux desktop and can't connect to my wifi network. When I go to the networks icon over the wireless option it cant be selected and says "device not ready (firmware missing). I've looked through the software center for drivers but I can't install them because the only button says "use this source" and when clicked does nothing.
So if someone could help me get on the Internet on it.

A. Missing firmware is typical of broadcom 43XX chipsets, but there are ways to get it.

The following page may be of use to you.


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Is it safe to have two different antivirus programs; one for your home computer and one for your flash drive?

Q. So my question's just that. I've learned that it's bad to have more than one antivirus program running on a single computer, but I was wondering, is it okay to one antivirus for my actual at-home computer, and a separate antivirus for the flash drive/portable device? Please and thank you.

I currently have avast! for my home computer and I'm thinking of getting ClamWin for the flash drive.

A. You need to get one antivirus program, one firewall and some spyware/adware/malware removers if you don't have it.
I use Norton Internet Security (antivirus, spyware, firewall, add blocker, mail spamfilter, pop up blocker etc) Ad Aware, Spybot and more on my desktop running XP Home SP2 with Firefox and Yahoo Toolbar with pop up blocker.
On my laptop i have Ubuntu 7.04. No security needed in Linux, but i use antivirus and firewall. Firefox is standard.
I have no virus, spyware, adware, pop ups etc on my computers.
Mozilla Firefox and Opera are safer browsers to use then Internet Explorer.

Here are some free programs.
BitDefender Anti-Virus Free.
Avast Anti-Virus Free.
AVG Anti-Virus Free.
Avast Virus Cleaner - free virus removal tool.

Where do I download a good free antivirus?
Q. I am looking for a good free antivirus on the internet to download for my pc. Any help?

A. www.linux.com

Has a longer track record than any anti-virus of not getting infected.

What is the best free antivirus program for linux ubuntu?
Q. I know some of u are thinking,why do u want a antivirus for linux, well i read that i can still get a virus so i just want to make sure i don't even get one! so give me the best of the best !! free antivirus please!!!

A. Avast and AVG are both great, both free and both should have linux versions. As the other poster said, you probably won't need one, but having one won't hurt at all (besides, they're free).

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How can I use iMac desktop PC under RedHat Linux 4 mail Server?

Q. Dear Friend

Can anybody tell whether iMac desktop PC can be used under RedHat Linux 4 mail server to download mails?

Appreciate, if you would come back shortly.


A. Debian is your girl for PowerPC macs.
Not sure about RedHat, but with Debian for PPC the answer is yes, for sure.
if you have an intel Mac, it will be no problem with any distro.

How to Install Windows Xp, Redhat Linux and Solaris 10 in a Single Hard Drive?
Q. How to Install Windows Xp, Redhat Linux and Solaris 10 in a Single Hard Drive.

I have a 250 Gb Hard disk .
I have already installed XP,Linux.
Now i want to install Solaris without disturbing XP and Linux. Is there any procedure....

Help Appreciated....!

A. It does not look like it is a very easy task, but it is definitely possible.

Redhat Linux: What is the required hard drive sizes for the following installations?
Q. Office and productivity _____ GB

Software Development_____ GB

Web Server_____ GB

Minimal of Ram recommended for Installing Redhat Linux _____ MB

Please use valid sources(from obtaining your answers)and state your sources.

A. Your answers on the Red Hat Link below.

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how to open a url from linux command line?

Q. I want to run a url from the linux command lline. So, please help me with the command.

A. You could use lynx or links. Both are text-based browsers.

Alternatively, you could use wget which will retrieve the url you pass to it.

How do I edit a text using linux command line mode?
Q. I need to edit a text file but I dont know how do you do it using linux in command line mode.


A. pico or nano are good choices for a novice. emacs or vi for an expert

Where do I find source code of linux commands?
Q. Linux commands like cp, dir, ls, shred, man (etc...) are nothing but programs (hopefully all written in C). I would really like to know exactly how they work (and make a few modifications to some) so I need their source code...
Can you tell me where to find source code of linux commands?
Thank you in advance!

A. In general there are several places you can go to get the source for these commands. This is mostly because there can be several different implementations of the commands.

1) The company who distributed your version of Linux. Most versions of these types of commands are under the GPL and as such the person or company who gave you the executable has to make a copy of the source code available to you. Usually these are released as source rpms, and some times come on one of the CDs or DVDs that you used to install Linux with. You can often find them on the web too.

For example the RHEL5 Server source rpm (SRPM) is

Most of the time your distribution will have a tool like yum to install these and other rpms for you.

2) www.gnu.org
GNU probably wrote the commands that are on your distribution of Linux, although a few very specialized distros use different implementations of the commands (Usually busybox http://www.busybox.net/ but this is really rare).

has instructions on how to download a very recent copy of the code, which may be much much newer then the version currently installed on your computer.


Some shells, like tcsh and csh have their own implementations of these commands built into them. This is because it is faster to run the command as part of your shell then to fork and exec a new command. So if you do change them be sure to check that you are actually running your updated version. BASH usually does not play these games but you can always check by running which followed by the name of your command.

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How to get steam to work on my google chrome book?

Q. Will steam work on my google chrome book? And if so how do I get it to work?

A. You might have to dual boot your Chromebook with Ubuntu then download steam for Linux, not 100% sure if it'll work.

do you need windows OS to run windows OS apps on linux using wine?
Q. im looking to run steam on linux using wine and i dont have windows.so do i need windows to run windows apps on linux using wine or do i not?if i dont how can i do that?and if i do is there any other way?i would really be thankfull.

A. no, wine provides the function calls itself, there is no need for a windows installation disk or license.

Here is a link from Ubuntu on setting up steam with wine.

What are the benifets of linux, what are its major differences from windowsXP?
Q. also i am planning on running a hl2 steam server (counter-strike source) any tips for that?

A. Main difference being that Linux is open source and therefore you can do anything you want with it.
I think stability and security are the main practical differences.

Here's some comparisons:

On running a steam server:

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