Friday, April 19, 2013

When they start giving away thousands of linux-based educational laptops this fall, will things change much?

Q. Visit to find out about the machines that will soon be flooding the globe...and the tons of free software being developed, with networking collaboration built-in.
Those who want first-rate creativity software without paying a ransom to Adobe -- and without stealing -- will soon be able to have it all by switching to Linux.
OOPS....that should be
and here's a great photo:

A. Not really as there is still a lot of stuff that doesn't work with Linux although I commend the Linux Foundation for doing this.
Unfortunately Windows still rules but Apple is making a big impact in education circles.

What does original Linux look like?
Q. Run the very original line of code that is Linux, then screen shot it so I can see its GUI. I would love to see it. I believe you can get it from the Linux foundation website.

A. The original line (do you mean the first line?) of Linux is not a GUI. Perhaps you do not know what GUI means. Perhaps you could give an example of what you mean.

What is the difference between GNU and GUI?
Q. I have no clue what GNU is but I know gui is Graphic User Interface. GUI is in like mac windows while GNU is in linux/ubuntu, basically any unix system.

A. GNU is the name of software or software collections release by the Free Software Foundation. Originally a recursive acromyn (hackers are quite fond of recursive acronyms) that means GNU is Not Unix.

GNU's GUI is GNOME (GNu Object Model Enviroment), other GUI's for linux are KDE, or XFCE and are not GNU.

GNU really underlies the core system, the compiler, utilities, and many of the tools.

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