Wednesday, March 13, 2013

is it okay to install an OS onto a usb flash drive?

Q. I am planning to install Ubuntu linux onto a flash drive, but I heard that flash drives have a limited number of read/write cycles?
Oh, and it is not a standard installation. I am creating a persistent live usb of ubuntu 8.10, not a "real" install. Will I have any problems with my flash drive failing?

A. It seems really weird installing an OS onto a USB flash drive. Nor do I see how it works. Would it even have the correct amount of memory space?
I'd just buy another hard drive. A little portable one ^-^ Because all the memory you'll be using on that OS will just probably try and use up more space on the flash drive. Where as on the hard drive its more better to use and you have plenty of memory and not forgetting Hard Drives are made for an OS not really USB flash drives.

Can you use PHP and Mysql with a Linux Live CD?
Q. If you come back to Windows will all your PHP & Mysql settings gone? Do you have to reinstall everything again if you decide to use a second time the Linux Live CD?? I don't want to install Linux permanently o0n my sustem but I would like to work with the Lice CD without losing my work & setings. Is it possible?

A. Linux LiveCD's are run within the RAM of your PC so you cannot save you settings between LIVE sessions.

One possibility is having Ubuntu installed on a USB Pendrive

Ubuntu Live USB Pendrive Persistent


How to make a live bootable usb?
Q. I want to make a bootable live usb for both linux(ubuntu) and windows to do it??please help....

A. The Linux one is easy.  Just download and run PendriveLinux with your favourite distro .iso.  Select it from the dropdown list when you run it.  If you make a Persistent file, then it will save changes you make to the installation on the USB drive.  I have a really nice Pinguy installation on a USB stick.

Windows 7 is a bit trickier, in that Windows doesn't allow you to do that sort of thing.  I doubt that it's possible.

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